Monday, August 4, 2014

Book Balance

Summer is flying. I have piles of books that I had planned to read...most are still piled...untouched and unread. I did read a few this summer. You will see I tried the school vs. non-school balance. My pile included:
This was a great book, but more applicable to the upper grades. Since I teach first, I took what I could. (I actually took this to the beach! #teachernerd)

Excellent book! I couldn't put it down.

This was a great, easy read that calmed me down about conferring during Writer's Workshop. I think teachers can be too hard on themselves to "research the perfect teaching point." The message this text sent me was that conferences are conversations. Talk with the student about their work.

 Again, great tips but for upper elementary/early middle school. Knowing what I did about the first book she wrote, this one was more of a skim and jot anything interesting that jumped out at me.

This one was mentioned for our book club. Very interesting story about a teen who wakes up in a different body every morning. A little unsettling, but interesting all the same. I saw this one through to the end. (I have begun a bad habit of abandoning books midway if I'm not into it).

Are you reading anything good? Beach reads? Back to school prep??
