Sunday, August 18, 2013


As the start of yet another school year looms dangerously close, I have a list of things to keep me busy/sane/organized. This year is a little different. I like to go in a few days before we need to be back just to get a jump on the craziness. However, I will only get three days this year because I will be returning from my honeymoon the week before we go back!!! Not only that, but due to a medical issue with my principal, we are having the "Open House Welcome" to meet the kids on a day that is normally our "Teacher Prep" day.  In a nutshell – I need to have my classroom kid-ready before we technically go back...and I have three days to get it all done!

Deeeeep breath.

I was able to snag a copy of my classlist...which I am grateful for!!! I am writing up desk tags, printing name labels, and getting ready for a great year.  I have a feeling this is going to be a good one! (At least I hope)! I would love to get a handle on back to school activities before we dive into the nitty gritty of curriculum.


Life is full of beautiful things.

Pinterest is full of beautiful ideas. Thank you creative teachers for making this back to school year exciting!

Funny Somewhat Topical Ecard: Pinterest makes me like people I've never met... Facebook makes me dislike people I know in real life.

I guess step one is layout. I have been working hard on setting up cozy and welcoming nooks in my room.  I found some adorable ideas!

I think the tricky part is having it look fun without being over stimulating for some kiddos.

And I WISH I was creative enough to make those cute storage crate stools!! I just don't know if I have the craft power.

 If my doorway had a layout like this picture- I would try this amazing design!

 Fall and Halloween Door Display Bulletin Board Idea

Right now my room will be set up like last year.  I will try to get a picture when I am granted open access to my room. I need to find a place for everything.  Storage (or lack of it) is a HUGE challenge for me in my room.  What is your biggest challenge??

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